


“Why do you like sales?”


You can answer this question in numerous ways. But to make your answer effective, you should think of an answer that will show your strong points as a salesman. Make sure to cover your own traits that are important to sales. Here is an example.

Strong Points – 优势的一个常用用法;在回答为什么喜欢销售这个职位的时候,尽量展现自己作为一个销售人员的优势!同时呢,Make Sure (务必) Cover 这里是”涉及到”或者”谈及,涵盖”的意思,比如说,”Please cover the annual sales volumn forecast in your presentation”,”请在你的报告里面涉及或涵盖,预计年销量”。

(注:上面Traits和Features一个意思,都表示个人特点的意思。还有一个Characteristic 也表示特点特征的意思,那么他们之间有没有区别呢?让KOOTALK来为大家分析一下吧:


如:One of his unpleseant traits is that he likes to start altercation with his wife over triflies.


如:Cold weather is one of the features of this area.



Short Answers

“I like sales because I like talking with people and I’m good at making people feel comfortable.”

i”I enjoy sales because it requires strong communication skills and that’s one of my strong traits. I like the challenge of making a sale and I feel good whenever I make a good sale.”

Make a good sale,这是个常见短语,表示签下一个大单子的意思。

“I like sales because it fits my personality. I enjoying working with all sorts of people and I like to provide great customer service by answering questions about products professionally.”

Long Answer


“I’ve always liked sales. I enjoy working with and talking to people. I’m good at making people comfortable and I also like the challenge. In the past with my friends, I heard comments frequently that I would make a good salesman even before I got into sales. So basically, I like sales because it fits my personality and I really enjoy it.”

Go into sales…表示进入销售行业,请记住这样的常见用法,并尝试运用到商务对话中

This is a simple short answer. Not everyone can be a salesperson. They need to have the right personality such as good communication skills. You don’t have to have a great answer for this question. But the most important aspect is showing that you enjoy sales.