KT英语-Jacob老师英文朗读系列 -What are we really teaching AI?


我想谈论一种我们 很多人都经历过的 来自于直觉上的失误。 它让人们无法察觉到 一种特定危险的存在。 我要向大家描述一个情景, 一个我觉得既令人害怕, 却又很可能发生的情景。 这样一个组合的出现, 显然不是一个好的征兆。 不过,在座的大部分人都会觉得, 我要谈论的这件事其实挺酷的。下面是上海|花桥|昆山中学英语辅导培训专家KT英语的Jacob老师的朗读


I’m going to talk about a failure of intuition that many of us suffer from. It’s really a failure to detect a certain kind of danger. I’m going to describe a scenario that I think is both terrifying and likely to occur, and that’s not a good combination, as it turns out. And yet rather than be scared, most of you will feel that what I’m talking about is kind of cool.