Be verbs be动词-KooTalk免费在线英语语法系列课程

花桥英语培训专家KooTalk之 免费语法知识讲解:

A verb shows action or a state of being.


I go home. Home is my place to rest. I like the smell of my house. I feel totally relaxed. Home refreshes me. At home, I get ready for a new day.


“Be” verbs indicate a state of being.
Verbs must match subjects. Be动词必须匹配相应的主语以及单复数:

  • I am a doctor.
  • He is sleepy.
  • We are here.

Negative sentences need ‘not’ after the verb.


  • I am not a doctor.
  • He is not sleepy.
  • We are not there.

The verb comes first in interrogative sentences.


  • Am I a doctor?
  • Is he sleepy?
  • Are we there?

“Are not” (is not) can be shortened to “aren’t” (isn’t).

可以缩写为  “aren’t” (isn’t)

  • He isn’t sleepy.
  • We aren’t there.

Remember the variations of “be” verbs:

Present Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I?
You are You are not (aren’t) Are you?
He is He is not (isn’t) Is he?
She is She is not (isn’t) Is she?
It is It is not (isn’t) Isn’t it?
We are We are not (aren’t) Are we?
You are You are not (aren’t) Are you?
They are They are not (aren’t) Are they?